A comprehensive survey of crane tracks is a set of technical work performed, diagnostics of the condition of crane tracks, verification of the operation of this equipment, verification of documentation for the operation of crane tracks. Also, checking the conclusion or act on all conditions of current and future operation for a certain period of time. In addition, recommendations are given for the repair of this equipment. Inspection of crane runways is necessary not only for correct, but also for their safe operation. Correct use of the equipment enables the longest possible service life. - Frequency of inspection of crane tracks
- Equipment inspection periods are set depending on the results of the last inspection. If the condition of the crane tracks is fully operational, the next survey will be carried out exactly in three years.
Conditions under which primary or repeated equipment inspections are carried out: - the expiration of the operating life of the crane track is at least three years;
- expiration of the operating life of the crane track, which was installed during the previous survey;
- registration of a newly installed hoisting machine. All crane tracks are surveyed, both those that were previously operated and newly installed ones.
An extraordinary inspection is carried out along the crane tracks, regardless of the expiration date of the last inspection carried out, namely, in such cases: - at the request of the owners of the crane runway or lifting equipment;
- at the request of Gosgortekhnadzor (in cases of detection of defects or malfunctions that threaten the safety of operation);
- after various natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, fires, etc., which could lead to changes in the parameters and properties of the equipment design.
Each subsequent inspection of the crane runway is determined by: - the purpose of the crane track;
- type of crane runway;
- operating conditions of the hoisting machine, which is installed on the crane track.
For the summer period, you can postpone the survey of the crane track of the hoisting machine, which is located in an open area. A comprehensive survey of crane tracks includes the following types of work: - 1.checking the documentation for the operation of the equipment, its availability and condition;
- 2.Inspection of the crane runway element by element, including its actual state:
- the presence of deviations in the elements of the crane runway from its design position;
- intermediate and butt fasteners;
- rails, squares and I-beams (guide elements), along which the wheels of hoisting machines must move;
- components that transfer the load from intermediate and guide connections to the ground base (beams, columns, foundation);
- elements for the grounding of crane tracks;
- track equipment: fences, limiters, dead ends, warning signs, etc.;
- elements that are responsible for the safety of workers;
- the main structures of the electrical wire (trolls, tray, etc.).
- 3. checking the operation of crane tracks, their technical condition and performance of maintenance;
- 4. drawing up the final documentation based on the results of the equipment inspection, namely, a list of defects and an act on comprehensive surveys of the crane runway.