"Gutman Crane" Company

+38 (050) 381-52-70


Short production timeHigh quality standards

When providing electrical energy to cranes, their mechanisms of shop trolleys and other mobile equipment, a different current lead is used. Gutman Crane manufactures and supplies a wide range of power supplies for cranes and mobile machinery:

  • FESTOON cable current lead (festun)
  • Open type trolley current lead.
  • Closed trolley current lead (busbar in a plastic box with tires inside).
  • Cable reels

FESTOON cable current lead

1. Along the cable (string) between the two brackets

  • on ring hangers
  • on cable trolleys

on cable trolleys along the C-shaped profile;
2. On cable trolleys along a diamond-shaped profile (the trajectory may be curved);

3. On cable trolleys along the I-beam (the trajectory may be curved);

Cable reels

  •  Motor
  •  Spring loaded
  •  Gravitational

The specialists of "Gutman Crane" Company will select the optimal current lead for your needs. We can also carry out delivery, installation supervision or turnkey installation.

For advice, ordering, contact us:

+38 (050) 381-52-70

e-mail: grigori@gutman.com.ua