FESTOON cable current lead (festun) 1.1. Along a cable (string) between two brackets The most simple budget design. Ideally used for crane beams, telphers (hoists) for a travel length of up to 40m.
1.1.1 On ring hangers The hangers slide along a stretched cable or wire (string) due to a welded metal ring, the cable is clamped with clamps. The maximum load on the hanger is 10 kg. |
1.1.2 On cable trolleysCable trolleys reduce the resistance to movement of the cable string and increase the service life of the cable (string). Thanks to their design, they allow transporting a "garland" of several cables. There are cable trolleys made with explosion-proof equipment requirements. Load on one trolley on a cable (string) up to 30 kg. |
1.2. On cable trolleys in a C-profile The cable current lead for the crane (hoist) along the C-shaped profile, inside which the trolleys with the cable move, allow to increase the maximum length of the equipment moving up to 100-120m. Such a current lead is convenient for installation, since its elements are quickly assembled and adjusted without the use of welding. The elements of the current supply are galvanized, which makes it possible to use it outdoors and in conditions of high humidity.
1.3. On cable trolleys in a diamond-shaped profileThe diamond-shaped current lead-in cable allows servicing equipment movement paths of various configurations. |
1.4. On cable trolleys along the I-beam (the trajectory may be curved)This cable trolley is required for heavy duty applications in equipment with many cables. The system of cable current supply along the I-beam can be completed with a reloader, a gantry crane, an overhead crane and other equipment for intensive work. Application is possible in open air, maritime climates, aggressive environments. An important advantage of this system is that there is no sagging of the cargo cable, high reliability and high bearing capacity of each bogie. |